

1st Technology Roadshow event

16th June 2015, 09:15-14:30


Conference and Library Centre, Polish Naval Academy (AMW)

Jana Śmidowicza Stret 69,

81-103 Gdynia 



The event will be held in English.



09:15 Registration & Coffee

10:00 Welcome and introduction, Monika Banaszek-Cymerman, Astri Polska

10:05 Introduction to e-KnoT project and Technology Road Show, Karol Brzostowski, Astri Polska

10:15 “On the needs and opportunities in monitoring EGNOS for critical operations”, Andrzej Felski, AMW

10:30 “SABUVIS - Swarm of Biomimetic Underwater Vehicles for Underwater ISR”, Piotr Szymak, AMW

10:45 “ANCHOR – The Captain Assistant for Navigation and Routing during Operations in Harbour”, Carsten Hoelper, ARIC

11:00 Coffee Break / Networking

11:30 “EU BONUS ESABALT – Enhanced Situational Awareness for Improving Maritime Safety in the Baltic”, Jakub Montewka, Finnish Geospatial Research Institute

11:45 “GNSS interference”, Luciano Musumeci, Polito

12:00 “TRUST – coarse detector against jamming of GSS signal”, Astri Polska

12:15 “CARISMA – software for reference stations management”, Krzysztof Bajda, Geotronics

12:30 „GNSS simulators - features, applications, development trends”, Dariusz Zmysłowski, Systemics

12:45 Panel discussion / Round Table

13:15 Lunch

14:00 “GSA maritime related projects portfolio”, Karol Brzostowski, Astri Polska

14:15 E-KnoT opportunities portfolio, e-KnoT team

14:30 Closing

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