

Project description

The focus of the e-KnoT project is on the innovation transfer to industry, the support to the creation of innovative downstream applications and the consolidation of the links and of the initiatives beyond the project duration.    The project approach is in line with the general policy of the H2020 programme, for the capacity building and critical mass creation in strategic areas, so to increase Europe competitiveness and attract investments from outside Europe. In GNSS this can only be realized by investing on a strong coordination among universities, research centers and industry to fill the gap with respect to other areas of the world.

E-KnoT relies on concrete results of previous projects in this field of Education in GNSS and on educational initiatives already in place in Europe, and it implements concrete actions and events for companies, students and professionals.

The e-Knot project is developed by a consortium of qualified institutions with a strong experience in GNSS education, research, cooperation with companies and industrial world

 EGNSS knowledge triangle


 Contact information

For inquiries and any request of information about the project

